Going “green” in online sales. Brandon and R5 together to promote change

The purchasing choices of the new generations, increasingly aware of their impact on the environment, are no longer driven solely by price and quality: today it is the consumer’s values that are their main driver. In 2023, sustainability is a real market trend, which influences the entire supply chain, from packaging to logistics, and which is even more important in the online sales sector, where storage and transport become major factors even with respect to the logic of production and placing on the market – just think that, according to a McKinsey study, the disposal of packaging of products purchased online weighs almost 20 times more in terms of CO2 emissions. Aware of the change taking place, BrandOn Group, the Italian company set up to enable companies to sell more and better on online marketplaces, and R5, a company that produces detergents for the home and the person, are joining forces to accompany this green wave and promote change.

Founded in Bergamo, R5 is committed to creating home and personal care products with a low environmental impact, in the name of sustainability. Two main principles support its strategy: the drastic cut in disposable plastic, for products that are always refillable, and the elimination of water transport – which normally accounts for up to 90% in a detergent product. Not only packaging designed for reuse – a priority strategy, if we consider that by 2050, according to a study by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, if the trend does not change, global waste will increase by 70% and there will be more plastic waste in the oceans than fish – but also optimization of logistics, thanks to a reduction in the size of individual items. Also, with a view to a true circular economy, R5 is also increasingly working with ingredients that come from the processing waste of other industries. Equal attention is also expected from partners and suppliers.

This commitment has already earned recognition: R5 obtained Amazon’s ‘Compact by design‘ certification, which rewards the most efficient and environmentally friendly designs, and has joined the ‘Climate pledge‘, a programme initiated by Amazon and Global Optimism that brings together companies committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2040.

With BrandOn Group’s support, R5 aims to expand its international presence, relaunching its commitment to the environment thanks to the collaboration with the tech company founded in Naples in 2012 by Paola Marzario. By consolidating the presence of R5 brand on Amazon and positioning it on other marketplaces, both B2C and B2B, BrandOn Group proves that technology, sustainability and business are a winning formula and, at the same time, contributes to exporting the value of Made in Italy. Not only design and fashion: Italian excellence is also expressed in home and personal care products.

Says Paola Marzario, founder of BrandOn Group: “Taking care of the environment has to be a shared commitment, in which consumers and companies are partners: an awareness that is becoming more and more established in the market. Recyclable packaging and waste reduction, use of renewable energy sources and energy saving, environmentally friendly logistics: these are the drivers that will make the difference. We are happy to be a partner of a company like R5 and to contribute in this way to act as a driving force for a general and necessary change, without ever losing focus on business needs”.

“Small everyday actions are the ones that, day after day, lead to big changes and can make the big revolutions”, says Cristina Mollis, CEO of R5 Living. “We believe that together, with just a few changes, we can adopt new habits in favour of the environment and ourselves. We are convinced that the achievement of the goals of Agenda 2030 must move every company, and that is why we are happy and proud to collaborate with BrandOn, which concretely helps companies like ours to make themselves known and develop in other markets as well”.